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Tutorial Install Ulang Handphone Nokia (Hard Format)

Cara Format / Install Ulang Handphone Nokia ( Hard Format ) – Kalau handphone kita sudah mulai lag atau terkena virus dan tidak dapat masuk ke program nokianya kita harus melakukan yang namanya Format atau Install Ulang. Nah install ulang di Nokia ini ada 2 macam ada yang soft format dan hard format. Kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang cara format / install ulang handphone nokia dengan hard format. Handphone yang mendukung untuk cara install ulang / format nokia e63, 5130, c6, 5310, n70, 5800, 6600, 5130, atau 6260, dan lain lain.

install ulang handphone nokia Cara Format / Install Ulang Handphone Nokia ( Hard Format )

Perlu diketahui dari Hard Format ini bahwa data – data Anda akan hilang, ada kalanya kalau Anda bisa mengakses data handphone Anda bisa dibackup kalau tidak bisa terpaksa harus merelakan data Anda hilang. hihihi. Ingat cara ini terkadang membutuhkan lebih dari 1 orang jadi jika Anda memiliki kerabat, teman dekat, keluarga atau siapa lah yang dapat membantu Anda silahkan minta pertolongan pada orang tersebut.

Sebelum melakukan format / install ulang pada handphone nokia ini Anda harus memastikan bahwa baterai dari handphone tersebut ada dan jangan sampai pada saat proses format atau install ulang gagal karena baterai habis dan saya tidak tahu lagi kelanjutan dari handphone Anda.

Berikut Cara Format / Install Ulang Handphone Nokia ( Hard Format ) :
  1. Tekan tombol Hijau (Untuk mengangkat telepon) lalu angka 3 dan * secara bersamaan
  2. Lalu nyalakan handphone nokia Anda, bisa dipastikan Anda tidak bisa melakukannya sendirian
  3. Tunggu hingga proses format selesai ada baiknya jangan melepas yang Anda tekan tadi, Saya sendiri belum berani melepasnya jadi saya tidak tahu efeknya bagaimana.
  4. Taraaaa, handphone nokia Anda sudah berhasil di hard format dan saatnya Anda menggunakan handphone Anda.
Cukup mudah bukan untuk memformat atau install ulang handphone nokia Anda, jadi hati – hati dalam menginstall aplikasi baik aplikasi java ataupun aplikasi symbian pada situs yang tidak trus dan bisa – bisa handphone Anda terkena virus. Saya pernah terkena virus dan karena saya tidak tahu trik ini sebelumnya Saya harus mengeluarkan uang yang tidak sedikit untuk membetulkannya. Padahal cuma 3 tombol tersebut ya seharga 50.000 ini. Peluang bisnis nih. hahaha. Silahkan dicoba cara format / install ulang handphone nokia ( Hard Format ),

Cara Mudah Mengingat Nama dan Wajah Baru

Bertemu dan berkenalan dengan orang-orang baru adalah aktivitas yang sudah biasa kita lakukan. Namun pernahkah ketika anda selesai bersalaman dengan orang yang baru dikenal, sesaat setelah itu anda telah lupa siapa namanya. Sering kali juga kita berpapasan dengan orang lain yang menyapa anda, sementara anda sendiri lupa siapa orang yang menyapa tersebut. Jika anda seorang guru, pasti anda juga terkadang lupa siapa nama-nama murid anda. Nah, saya akan share beberapa tips cara mudah mengingat nama dan wajah seseorang sebagai berikut :

1. Pastikan anda mendengar nama orang tersebut dengan jelas

Sering bertemu dengan orang-orang baru dan berkenalan tentunya menyenangkan, namun biasanya saat anda bertemu dengan orang tersebut dan bersalaman, anda hanya sekilas mendengar nama orang tersebut dan tidak jelas. Saat itu juga biasanya anda malas menanyakan kembali namanya yang jelas. Mulai sekarang dengarlah nama orang tersebut dengan jelas, jika tidak mendengar apa yang disebutkannya dengan jelas, tanyakan saja kembali namanya.

2. Gunakan nama orang yang baru dikenal tersebut pada awal-awal anda memulai percakapan

Mengulang kembali nama orang yang baru anda kenal pada awal-awal percekapan akan sangat membantu melekatkan nama tersebut di otak. Anda bisa memulai percakapan dengan menanyakan pertandingan sepak bola kemarin ataupun pekerjaannya dengan menyebutkan nama orang yang baru dikenal pada awal kalimat, seperti: “ Mbak Titi, kemarin lihat pertandingan Spanyol lawan Italy tidak?” atau “ Mas Tono sekarang bekerja dimana?”

3. Menganggap orang baru tersebut mengingatkan anda dengan seseorang

Anda mungkin pernah merasa, si A yang baru dikenal mirip dengan teman lama sewaktu SMA, si B mirip dengan mantan pacar anda, si C mirip artis atau nama si D sama dengan nama adik anda. Gunakan cara ini untuk me-recall ingatan anda tentang nama orang yang berkenalan dengan anda. Suatu saat jika bertemu lagi, cara ini akan sangat membantu anda. Contoh nama yang baru anda kenal adalah Eko, anda dapat membayangkan wajahnya berganti dengan pelawak Eko Patrio.

4. Menghubungkan dengan aktifitas rutin atau pekerjaan yang bersangkutan

Ingat nama seseorang yang anda kenal lalu coba buat cerita atau hubungkan dengan pekerjaannya. Contoh : nama orang tersebut Sally dan pekerjaannya sebagai sales. Setelah anda berkenalan dengannya coba hubungkan antara nama sally dan sales. Pertama anda ganti dulu nama sally dengan dengan sebuah kata/benda dengan kesamaan bunyi, seperti sally anda ganti dengan “sale”, lalu anda bayangkan seorang sales menjual pisang sale dan bunga lily

5. Hubungkan nama dengan wajahnya

Nah ini adalah menurut saya cara yang cukup ampuh, karena dengan metode ini, anda mampu mengingat wajah dan nama orang dengan cepat dalam jumlah yang banyak. Caranya adalah membayangkan suatu bagian wajah seseorang yang terlihat paling unik seperti jidad yang lebar, hidung yang pesek, telinga yang aneh dan lainnya dengan nama orang tersebut yang telah anda ganti namanya dengan bunyian kata yang lebih familiar ataupun anda juga bisa menghubungkannya dengan postur tubuh, gaya bicara ataupun gaya jalan orang tersebut. Makin lucu ceritanya, makin mudah mengingatnya. Saya akan memberikan contoh beberapa wajah orang dibawah ini beserta namanya (mohon maaf mencaplok Nama Bapak-bapak sekalian, cara ini murni hanya untuk mencontohkan metode mengingat yang ampuh).

Download Lagu Sule Ovj - Sarangheyo dan Lirik

Download Lagu Sule Ovj Sarangheyo dan Lirik Lagu Ovj Sarangheyo - lagu ini terdiri dari 5 bahasa, katanya sih, hahahaa, iseng2 upload lagu ini pas waktu dengerin di Ovjnya bogor tea, hahaha, keren juga nih si Sule - Sarangheo, hahaha

Download Lagu Sule Ovj - Sarangheyo
Mirror - Indowebster
Mirror - Mediafire

Berikut ini adalah Lirik lagu Sule - Sarangheyo

Bila matahari saat ini tak terang
Itu mendung, itu mendung
Bila bunga ditaman tidak kehujanan
Itu layu itu layu
I can't believe all distance to me baby
Aku tidak percayaaaa...

I can't believe all distance to me baby
I can't belive, teu percangkeun
Lirik By Hendra Suherman
Duh gusti nyanggahkeun , sadaya daya
Kalau cinta ini akan berakhir

Teu na naon, biarkaaaan lah

Sarangheyo, aku cinta padamu
Sarangheyo, aku sayang padamu
Sarangheyo, abdi bogoh ka sarea
Sarangheyo, aku tresno siramuu

Oh my darling kamsahida

Free Download Album One Direction " Take Me Home " Bebas Parkir

Hari Ini Saya akan memberikan suatu album musik dari One Direction, siapa gak kenal One Direction? One direction adalah suatu Grup Musik Boyband asal London, England . dan lebih jelasnya bisa klik ini One Direction Wikipedia English

Nah sekarang saya akan membagikan beberapa list track yang ada di album One Direction Baru ini, yang judul albumnya ialah " Take Me Home "sebenarnya ada 13 lagu di album ini, dalam bentuk pembangunan blog baru saya di sebelah saya hanya memberikan list lagunya dulu dan download lagunya bisa menuju blog saya. hehehehe

oke berikut list lagu lagunya :

No. Title Writer(s) Producer(s) Length
1. "Live While We're Young"   Rami Yacoub, Carl Falk, Savan Kotecha Yacoub, Falk 3:20
2. "Kiss You"   Yacoub, Falk, Kotecha, Shellback, Kristian Lundin, Albin Nedler, Kristoffer Fogelmark Yacoub, Falk 3:03
3. "Little Things"   Ed Sheeran, Fiona Bevan[57] Jake Gosling 3:39
4. "C'mon, C'mon"   Jamie Scott, John Ryan, Julian C. Bunetta [58] Bunetta 2:45
5. "Last First Kiss"   Nedler, Fogelmark, Yacoub, Falk, Kotecha, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan Yacoub, Falk, Fogelmark, Nedler, 3:23
6. "Heart Attack"   Yacoub, Falk, Kotecha, Shellback, Lundin Yacoub, Falk 2:56
7. "Rock Me"   Lukasz Gottwald, Henry Walter, Peter Svensson, Allan Grigg, Sam Hollander Dr. Luke, Cirkut, Emily Wright, KooolKojak 3:20
8. "Change My Mind"   Yacoub, Falk, Kotecha Yacoub, Falk 3:32
9. "I Would"   Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter Bunetta, Sam Waters 3:21
10. "Over Again"   Sheeran, Robert Conlon Gosling 3:02
11. "Back for You"   Fogelmark, Nedler, Kotecha, Payne, Styles, Tomlinson, Yacoub, Malik, Horan Yacoub, Falk, Nedler, Fogelmark 2:58
12. "They Don't Know About Us"   Tebey, Tommy Lee James, Peter Wallevik, Tommy Gee Ottoh, Bunetta 3:20
13. "Summer Love"   Horan, Hector, Steve Robson, Lindy Robbins, Malik, Payne, Tomlinson, Styles Robson 3:28
Gimana?? udah liat kan daftar lagu lagunya...
oke deh sekarang menuju link downloadnya
dimana tempat downloadnya ?? lelah bacanya

Oke Menuju ke TKP ====>>  
Free Download One Direction - Take Me Home 2012
FUNderSec. INC @2010-2012

Cara Hack Billing Explorer

Penulis on Minggu, 18 November 2012
Cara Menutup File Client008 Billing Explorer Versi Lama / Bajakan
1. Download File hapus.exe dan remover.exe

Klik disini untuk download file hapus.exe
Klik disini untuk download file remover.exe

2. Muncul form download di website ziddu, tekan tombol "DOWNLOAD"

2. Muncul form download di website ziddu, tekan tombol "DOWNLOAD"

3. Beberapa komputer client mungkin sudah diantisipasi dgn memblok file hapus.exe atau remover.exe,
Cara yg efektif, simpan file tersebut dgn nama yang unik
Misal cocacola.exe , warung.exe. werty.exe dsb,.......
Pakai nama yang acak atau aneh juga boleh, lalu tekan save.
Kemudian jalankan/run/doble klik file yang baru saja di save tsb.

Yang di download adalah 2 File, hapus.exe dan remover.exe
Kedua file dijalankan salah satu.
Jika hapus.exe tidak bisa, lalu jalankan file remover.exe
( Kedua file tsb. di rename dengan nama yang berbeda )
Misal hapus.exe sudah di save as menjadi cocacola.exe
dan remover.exe sudah di save as menjadi naga.exe)

Jalankan kedua Program tsb. di PC Client,
maka Billing Client yang sedang jalan, akan otomatis
Di CLOSE ........

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013

Apa sih autotext? Bagi sobat komputologi yang belum mengerti autotext pada blackberry, akan sedikit komputologi jelaskan. Autotext pada BB adalah semacam emoticon yang disusun dari karakter bisa huruf, angka, maupun simbol yang menggambarkan ekspresi seseorang. Bentuknya bermacam-macam. Daripada bingung, langsung lihat aja ulasan Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013 di bawah ini.

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013
ヽ(^_^ ) ( ^_^)/
ヽ(´3`)ノ♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆
ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙
ヾ(゚д゚*三*゚д゚)ノ\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ
(ノ^ω^)ハ(^ω^ )ノ tosss

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Ketawa Ngakak
Ħèëé=D˚•‧::‧•‎ ​‎​‎​˚ћèé=D˚•‧::‧•‎​‎​‎​˚Ħèëé=D ‎​​​
Нå. =D. нå. =D. нå. =D нå
нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ ™
• Шªκªκª<=-Pkªκªκªªª\=D/kªªkªª
• °ωkωkωkωkωkωkωk° •.
ˇ♥hªªhaa... Hªªhaa=))♥
ªªKªªKªª=))ªªKªªKªª=)) =)) =))
Wɑº°˚ ˚°º≈kɑº°˚ ˚°ºkɑº°˚ ˚°º≈=))
(●≧▽≦)♪ ωααααααασσσσωωωωωωω.....
˚*•.¸˚*•.¸ =D♓α☆ ♓α ☆♓α=))¸.•*˚¸.•*˚
=)) нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ ./"/ ‎​‎​‎​‎​‎​ нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘ ‎​ _//_ нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Sedih
(⌣_ ⌣!!)
[¬_ ¬!!]
(¬_ ¬)
m(_ _)m
(‾˛‾")ƪ(˘-˘) ▸

Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Lucu
(~‾ ▽‾)~
( ˘ з˘ )♬♪
~(‘▽’~) (~’▽’)~
ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
\(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/
ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐tori.. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ tori.. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ tori..
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ (・o・) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Autotext Emoticon Twitter BlackBerry Terbaru 2013
:love ♥
:star ★
:star2 ☆
:music ♫
:flower ✿
:smile ☺
:happy (‾▿‾)
:happy2 ƪ(ˆ▽ˆ)ʃ
:loe ┐('o' ┐)
:gue (┎ '_' ┒)
:end ┒(⌣˛⌣)┎
:cium (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
:sedih (⌣́_⌣̀)
:joget ~(˘▾˘)~
:tendang \( #`⌂´)/┌┛
:nendang (ヽ `д´)┌┛★)`з゜)
:inlove (♥o♥)
:inlove2 ƪ(♥ε♥)ʃ
:inlove3 (ɔ ˘⌣˘)~♡
:ngelirik (¬_¬")
:lirik ¬_¬
:dance ヘ(^_^ヘ) (ノ^_^)ノ
:dance2 "ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐"ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ" ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ"
:yey \(´▽`)/
:yummy (˘ڡ˘)
:hoi \(‾▿‾\)
:hoi2 (/‾▿‾)/
:ahh ┌("˘o˘)┐
:cantik ( ˘͡ -˘͡)
:idontknow ┐(´_`)┌
:whocares ╮(^▽^)╭
:galau (˘ε˘ƪ)
:marah (╯҂ ‵□′)╯
:babi ( ´(oo)`)
:siul ♪(´ε` )
:kabur ~ ~ (\ ‾o‾)/
:kabur2 ~ ~ \(!!˚☐˚)/
:kaget (!!˚☐˚)
:kaget2 (˚☐˚!!)
:gunting (" `з´),8<
:jewer ( ˚☐° >ɔ-(´̩ε `̩ƍ)
:pukul (" `з´ )_,/*(>_<' )
:tonjok ("¬_¬)--o)*з*)ː̖́.
:iblis Ψ(▸_ ◂✗)
:sabarya (⌣́_⌣̀)\('́⌣'̀ )
:peace ♉(˘♢˘)♉
:leptop \__~(˘▾˘~)
:ngantuk (Θ˛Θƪ)
:marah (`⌂´#)
:nangis (╥_╥)
:emosi Щ(ºДºщ)
:emosi2 (۳ ˚Д˚)۳
:gunting (" `з´),8<
:jeles (‾^‾)
:pacaran (‾▽‾)♥(‾⌣‾)
:pacaran2 (ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ c)
:bingung ƪ(° ̯˚ ʃ)
:hahaha нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘нªª˘°˘
:sebel ( ° -`ω´-)
:huuu p(´⌒`q)
:tinju (Q╰_╯)==○☆‎(x,☉")
:mumet (๑_๑)
:mohon (˘ʃƪ˘)
:ngetawain (`▽´)-σ
:kacamata Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡
:nunjuk (¬-̮¬)-σ
:nyanyi ♫♪♫( ´▽`)
:capek (‾⌣‾"٥)
:capede ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ
:unyu (っ˘з˘)っ
:malu (≧◡≦)
:asyik (´⌣`ʃƪ)
:grr Ϟ(`﹏´)Ϟ
:wkwk °~=))••°wk.wk.wk°••=))~°
:hoam HOoº°ºoOam ((˘O˘ )
:huaa (ಥ ̯ ಥ)
:hiks (ಠ_ರೃ)
:mabok ╭ (′▽`)╯
:yah ╮(╯_╰")╭
:lope (。♥‿♥。)
:elo (σ‾▿‾)-σ

Semoga informasi Autotext Emoticon BlackBerry Terbaru Lengkap 2013 tadi bermanfaat buat kita semua.

Back To Top Jquery opacity

back to top blog
Membuat widget Back To Top pada blog -  Setelah pada kesempatan sebelumnya membahas tentang MoviePlus X5 dan CSS3, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial Membuat widget Back To Top keren pada blog. Namun sebelum menginjak ke intinya saya akan uraikan sedikit apa itu widget Back To Top ?? widget Back To Top merupakan salah cara praktis untuk membaca artikel di blog, mengapa demikian?  Ya tentunya karena dengan widget Back to Top, kita atau pengunjung  blog dimudahkan untuk melakukan shortcut kembali ke posisi atas halaman blog, setelah melakukan scroll. Ataupun secara garis besarnya Tombol/ Widget back to top adalah sebuah tombol yang berfungsi untuk membuat/mempercepat scrolling dari bawah keatas di sebuah web page ataupun blog page sehingga akan mempermudah pembaca atau pengunjung untuk kembali´ke bagian atas dari blog dengan cepat ketika berada dibagian bawah halaman dengan hanya sekali klik pada tombol back to top tersebut. Sebagai contohnya sobat bisa lihat pada blog ini.
gimana, tertarik ?? Silahkan sobat ikuti tutorial sederhana dibawah ini...

1. Login/masuk ke Blogger
2. Klik Rancangan
3. Pilih Elemen Laman >> Tambah Gadget
4. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
5. Copy Pastekan kode-kode dibawah ini lalu klik save


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
* Scroll To Top Control script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* Modified by
* Republish by
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Project Page at for full source code
var scrolltotop={
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NB: Jika tidak bekerja anda bisa hapus kode <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Tulisan yang berwarna biru dapat anda ganti dengan gambar sendiri.

<div id="AdHiE" style="bottom: -10px; left: 0px; position: fixed; right: 0px;"><marquee onmouseout="this.start()" onmouseover="this.stop()" behavior="right" scrollamount="7" ><a href="#" onclick="new Element.scrollTo(\" top\');="" return="" false;'="" title="Back To Top">
<img alt="Image01" onmouseout="this.src=''" onmouseover="this.src=''" src="" /></a></marquee></div>
Mungkin itu saja dulu uraian mengenai Membuat widget Back To Top pada blog yang dapat saya uraikan. Semoga postingan ini dapat bermanfaat.

Twitter Blogger Template

Twitter Blogger Template
Template Name: Twitter Blogger Template
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date : 28, February 2013
Author :
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

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Twitter Blogger Template is inspired from world’s first micro blogging website Though, this theme is not a replica of but still it has a touch which would convert your Blogger blog into a robust social networking website. The color combination of light blue and place gives it an elegant touch. Since, this theme is inspired from Twitter. Therefore, we have also attached twitter Tweet button. This Theme is extremely efficient and sober which makes it standout from other templates. It has some built-in extra-ordinary features like Numbered page navigation, floating header, and much more.
Twitter Blogger Template

Features of Twitter Blogger Template:

  1. Floating Header Bar: It has a sleek and stylish black floating header bar that consists of a Small LOGO, Navigation menu and a search bar. It floats along your screen whenever scroll up or down the page.

  2. Numbered Page Navigation: We have installed Number page navigation plugin in this theme which automatically overrides Older/Newer post buttons. It reduces bounce rate and improves user engagement.

  3. SEO-Friendly: We have also installed an SEO Plugin in this template, which would surely help you to increase your organic traffic in quick succession. Though, the plugin is not FREE, but it is sponsored by Therefore, it is free only for this theme.

  4. Custom CSS3 Label: Among the few prominent features, we have also added a magnificent CSS3 Label cloud in this theme which would surely catch some extra attention. 
More Features: Twitter Look, Web 2.0, Magazine Style, light blue and black color Scheme, threaded commenting system, and much more.

How to Customize Floating Menu?

Go To >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed. Now search for the following coding in the template. After finding it Replace # with your URLs and Save the template.
<ul class='art-hmenu'>
<li><a class='active' href='#' title='Home'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#' title='About the theme'>About the theme</a></li>
<li><a href='#' title='Buy Theme'>Buy Theme</a></li>
<li><a href='#' title='Plugins'>Plugins</a></li>
<li><a href='#' title='Help'>Help</a></li>
<li><a href='#' title='Contact'>Contact</a></li>

From the Designer's Desk: 

We hope this theme will help you in gaining some extra attention from your visitors. This Theme is not a carbon copy of Twitter but still it essence in enough. This template is ideal for blogging niche like technology, multimedia, entertainment, magazine, and etc. It has 95 out of 100 Google Page Speed score which is splendid indeed for SEO and user satisfaction. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below.

Geeks Gadget Blogger Template

Geeks Gadget Blogger Template
Template Name: Geeks Gadget Template
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date : 08, March 2013
Author :
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

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Geeks Gadget is an efficient and magnificent template for blogger users. This theme is designed with such practices that your users would think twice whether it is a Blogger Template, or not because it has all the elements just like WordPress Themes. This template is ideal for those websites which running a Gadget niche blog including multimedia, technology and etc. The color combination of White, Lime blue, and gray makes this theme adorable.  It is a crystal clear theme with some robust features few of them are listed below.
Geeks Gadget Blogger Template

Features of Geeks Gadget Blogger Template:

  1. Floating Header Bar: It has a shiny and fashionable lime blue floating header bar that consists of a Small LOGO on the left side and a navigation menu on the right. It floats along your screen whenever scroll up or down the page.
  2. Featured Advertisement Spots: By default, there are three featured advertisements spots one below the header, second above posts, and the third below posts. However, anyone can add more Ads spots as per their needs. We have chosen some High CPC spots so this theme could double your earning potentials. 
  3. SEO-Friendly: We have also connected an SEO Plugin in this template, which would surely help you to increase your organic traffic in quick succession. This plugin is sponsored by 
  4. Social Sharing Buttons: We have also added some social sharing buttons so that your users can easily share your content on their favorite social networking platform. Social buttons appears just below the post title of every article. 
  5. Fixed Wrapper: The Layout of this theme is fixed so it would support both low and high resolution laptops, and monitors. It would also work well on Mobile devices and Tablet.
More Features: Web 2.0, Magazine Style, lime blue and white color Scheme, threaded commenting system, custom label wrapper, two Colum’s footer, and much more

How to Customize Floating Menu?

Go To >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed. Now search for the following coding in the template. After finding it Replace # with your URLs and Save the template.
<ul class='right'>
<li><a class='current' href='#'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Services</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>About</a></li><li>
<a href='#'>Services</a></li>
<li><a class='lasst' href='#'>Contact</a>

From the Design's Desk:

This theme is highly optimized the reason why the Google page speed score is 95 out of 100. We have also experimented with the placement on Labels which is indeed a splendid innovation. On the other hand, this theme is extremely handy for Blogging, Technology, Multimedia and Gadgets niche websites. Feel free to leave your positive reviews below.

Metro UI Blogger Template

News Magazine Blogger Template
Template Name: Metro UI Blogger Template
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Release date : 17, February 2013
Author :
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

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Metro UI is an innovative Windows 8 Style Blogger Template. This theme has a lot of similarities with the Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 8. This template is ideal for blogging niche like technology, multimedia, entertainment, magazine, and etc. Nonetheless, that’s not all because it is robust enough to be used on any kind of website. By default, this theme has a greenish color scheme. However, you can customize the theme as per the needs. It has some built-in extra-ordinary features like Numbered page navigation, Elegant Menu, 4 column footer, and much more

Features of Metro UI Blogger Template:

  1. Numbered Page Navigation: This is our first theme which has built-in numbered page functionality. It shows numbers instead of older/newer post buttons. It not only increase user engagement but also helps in reducing the bounce rate.

  2. Custom Header: The header of this theme is one of its kinds. It looks a like Windows 8 and has extremely efficient Hover effects. All an all, the colorful header are would surely amaze your readers. 

  3. SEO-Friendly: We have also installed an SEO Plugin in this template, which would surely help you to increase your organic traffic in quick succession. Though, the plugin is not FREE, but it is sponsored by Therefore, it is free only for this theme.

  4. Featured Image AREA: Many of our users always complains that slider slows down their blog. Keeping that in mind, we have added a Featured image area instead of sliders. It will only appear on the homepage.
More Features: WordPress Look, Web 2.0, Magazine Style, Green and light orange color Scheme, threaded commenting system, and much more.

How To Customize Header LOGO?

First create an Image Logo of 118px Width and 62px height then Upload it through Picasa Web album or your preferred blogger hosting. Now In order to customize the Logo, you have to first log on to >> your site >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed. Search for the following Image URL and replace it with the image URL of your logo.

How To Customize Navigation Menus:

Go To >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed. Now search for the following coding in the template. After finding it Replace # with your URLs and Save the template.

Header Navigation:
<!-- Header Nav-->
<a class='mm_home' href='#'>Home</a>
<a class='mm_wishlist' href='#' id='wishlist-total'>Wish List</a>
<a class='mm_account' href='#'>My Account</a>
<a class='mm_checkout' href='#'>Checkout</a>
<a class='mm_account' href='#'>My Account</a> 
Main Navigation Menu :
<ul id='nav'>
<li class='level0 first homelink'><a href='#'><span>Home</span></a></li>
<li class='level0 first homelink'><a href='#'><span>Desktop</span></a></li>
<li class='level0 first homelink'><a href='#'><span>Laptops</span></a></li>

From The Designer's Desk:

This Theme is indeed cute in terms of looking and has the sharp color scheme that attracts our attention. Hopefully this theme would help you to gaining some extra SEO exposure and more user engagement. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below.

Has Facebook Finally Mastered Mobile Marketing?

More than anything else, Facebook‘s lack of revenues from mobile advertising led to its acutely disappointing initial public offering of stock last May. It seemed to investors that the company had simply failed to pay attention to the obvious fact that hundreds of millions of its users were accessing the service via smartphones and tablets–where they then saw almost no ads.

In researching a story out that runs Wednesday on MIT Technology Review magazine’s website, How Facebook Slew the Mobile Monster, I found that Facebook executives were quite aware of the mobile trend, even if they were distracted by other concerns such as the new social ads called Sponsored Stories it had just introduced. And once Facebook put its collective mind to it, it actually moved much faster–even by the time of the IPO–to find compelling ways to show ads to the mobile masses than most people at the time realized.

It did take a few months for Facebook’s mobile ads to get traction. But as of the fourth quarter, mobile ad revenues had rocketed up to $305 million, or 23% of overall ad sales. That’s a prime reason Facebook’s shares are now hovering a little under $30 a share, close to double the low they hit a few months after the IPO.

One big reason for the success of mobile ads: Unlike the desktop ads that run on the right side of the page, these ads not only run in the news feed, but they look and feel more like natural posts than conventional banner ads (though they are labeled as sponsored). It didn’t hurt that Facebook also latched onto the app craze, giving developers app install ads that have proved both popular and effective.

As I say in the story, Facebook’s mobile ads also address a key concern of advertisers about mobile ads–that they are too small to have much of an impact. On Facebook’s mobile news feed, however–and that’s the only place the ads run–they actually take up a large part of the screen. “Our ads are big and flashy,” David Fischer, Facebook’s vice president of advertising and global operations, told me with a smile. But they’re apparently less annoying than big ads would be on the desktop because it’s so easy to swipe them away on a smartphone or tablet screen.

What’s more, the ads may be getting even bigger and flashier soon, if rumors about changes to the news feed that Facebook will announce Thursday are true. And Facebook is actively looking at incorporating video into mobile ads as well.

You could argue that, at a time when the mobile landscape is still changing fast, it’s still early to declare that Facebook has slain the mobile ad monster. But it’s at least clear that the monster isn’t so scary anymore (Forbes)

Hugo Chavez Dies and the Twitter Town Square Reacts

Hugo Chavez passed away after a two-year battle with cancer. The colorful and controversial socialist Venezuelan president, who once called President George W. Bush a "donkey" and President Obama a "fraud," was popular among the disenfranchised in his country and on Twitter, with more than 4 million followers. He made the Internet more accessible in Venezuela, creating hundreds of community "infocenters" with computers and free Internet service throughout the country. Simultaneously, he waged war on the free press in his country.

Chavez was absent from Twitter after Nov. 1, 2012, as he underwent more surgeries in Cuba. He posted three final tweets on Feb. 18, thanking his doctors and nurses, as well as Fidel and Raul Castro.

As the news spread of Chavez's death, the Twitter town square filled with a broad spectrum of comments, reflecting the variety of opinions about his 14 years as president and as a friend of U.S. foes.

Twitter serves as a hub with links to obits, stories, videos, and especially photo albums documenting his life. In many ways, Twitter has become the unrehearsed, digital equivalent of "This is Your Life" on a global scale (CNet)